Friday, 15 June 2012

I'm Just Nothing

still dreaming off to be a perfect girl..
dream on having a BFF who really care and have a chemistry between us
dream on LOVE & TRUST in a friendship
dream on having a BOYFRIEND (means trus jadi laki!) 
dream on having a blast MONEY in my pocket (including the credit card)
dream on if i have a long holiday to rest and of course travel around the world and could be in a year?? haha
dream on if i could know my FUTURE so that i could change! 
dream on if i have EVERYTHING..
dream on if i have the HAPPINESS..
dream on if i could throw away the SADNESS..
dream on if i could splash away the NIGHTMARES..
dream on if i could begin the NEW LIFE again..
dream on if i have a CHANCES to CHANGE the PAST
dream on if i have the MEMORIES so its forever
dream on if i should walk away for the troublesome
and of course i dream on to be REMEMBERED by ME
and i always dream on to be ME..

p/s : simple post but meaningfull! special dedicated toBadrul Hisyam sebab dia memaksa aku untuk post new entry since last post adalah 2 weeks ago! :) 


  1. Ceh..nama aku kecik je..nak kena pakai kanta pembesar baru nampak..

  2. bersyukur la tuh! hahaha nvm later i post new entry with big and capital for u ea!! can ah?? hahah
